Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Sydney, Arrival.

The winterpoodles have finally arrived in Sydney, not without incident we might add. The most serious being the incarceration of Perkins in a birdcage outside our room, It was for visa irregularities that he did time. luckily our photographer was on hand to record the event and we sent a report to the relevent embassy plus an article to local rag complaining of maltreatment to innocent monkey. We have the pics but have not found a way yet of publishing them here. We also have the teeshirt.
This is day 2 in Sydney and the sun shines after torrents of rain yesterday. We aim to tour the famous harbour, visit Manly beach and the Opera House. The city seems to be free of those maddening birds (mosquitos) that so terrorised Mrs Poodle in particular. In Phuket they mounted a sustained attack on her and the scars are still to be seen. She is unable to make any comment herself as she is attending to more important business in the Spa section of our palatial hotel . I hasten to add that we stay in this Shangi La for but two days before returning normal service.
much more later...


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