Saturday, January 22, 2005

Segregated even at The Last Trump.

Passing back through Bellingen Hinterland we stopped at the posh end of town, well the only end where I saw a Porche 911. Here you can find the graveyard; it merited a few photographs. Georgie and I had fun snapping the roadsigns, I kid you not, which pointed to different areas of the graveyard. "Methodist", "Roman Catholic", "Church of England". None for "Sinners", "Pagans", "Atheists", "Agnostics" or "Buddhists (plenty in Bellingen I think)", "Muslims" etc.

Are we to be seperated forever by what J. Krishnamurti once called 'The frozen thoughts of man'?

Yes and no, of course.

Come to think of it some roadsigns in the cemetery pointing to the plots of 'Homeopaths', 'Doctors', 'Herbalists', 'Acupuncturists', 'Osteopaths' etc could be informative.

Hippocrates is reputed to have said that many are buried beneath the earth that has the herbs that could have saved them growing on top.

As in many places I think there was a huge local effort to raise money for the Tsunami victims. This sort of thing brings hope that we can lay aside regional differences and see the bigger picture. Yet I see in today's paper that Mr Bush talks of bringing 'freedom' to the world and not ruling out the use of force in doing so. Someone should give that man a massage or some nougat.

More Bellingen delights to follow:


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