Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Donkeys etc

On the flight to Nuku Hiva on the smallish ATR 72 propellor plane we were served lunch. Georgie and I were presented with two large slabs of meat. I asked the hostess what they were and was astounded to hear her say 'donkey'. I questioned her again and found out that the old hearing is definately defective. It was turkey. Still, that's an innovative idea for ethnic airlines.

This leads me to a little known fact; more people are killed each year by donkeys than by aircrashes. Comforting for non farmers.

Another piece of useful info: Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike competition.

And again: when you lick a stamp you ingest 0.1 of a calorie. Georgie and I have been putting on weight.

Lobe Toner is an anagram of Toblerone.


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