Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Castle Leslie, Elvis Presley, Leslie Leslie, Presley Presley

The new Hare Krishna Mantra has been released for 2005 in honour of the Poodlefest held on the 10th November in Co Monaghan. The newlyweds are on the hoof at present so the fully illustrated report from Castle Leslie won't be available till mid December.

At present we find ourselves at Brook Lodge, Macreddin Village, Co Wicklow, planning a trip to Venezia and places South (Siciliy maybe). The walls of Venice are a magnet not to mention the chance of some sea mists on the lagoon. The sweetest smells of Araby are not noted for their prevalence in Venice but at this time of year the Poodle's acute sense of smell (one thousand times greater than that of humans) should be relatively unscathed. What is 'scathed' by the way?

If 'immaculate' is 'unspotted' is 'maculate' 'spotted' as in 'spotted dick' (the dish you understand).

The OS/B show opened on Sunday 13th and remains open until 30th of this month. Closed only on Mondays and Tuesdays. So far there has been an enthusiastic response and healthy sales. Some favourite works still unsold though.


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